Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2012

The Art of Leadership

“Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.  And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” - 1 Peter 5:2-4 

Just like how Jesus Christ became one of the greatest spiritual leaders of all time, all of us are bound to be great leaders in our own special way. We may not be able to do all different kinds of things, but surely we can be at our best in something.


Written on the foreheads of these people is the word “Leader”. But how do we call someone a leader?

Strong leaders have effective communication skills. They clearly articulate themselves. Leaders rise up and stir an amazing emotion inside all of us. It takes a great deal to be one. To be able to inspire others and yet remain as humble as ever is a talent not everyone is given. Being a leader is like being a glue. You keep everything together and you make sure nothing falls apart. 

Strong leaders can lead through any situation. When things get difficult, they can control emotions. They make decisions based on logic and fact and gain the confidence of others. Obstacles along the way are inevitable, and a good leader is always flexible and able to swim through the challenges and even come out victorious. 

Strong leaders are humble. 

Good leaders are devoted and committed to completing the tasks at hand. It takes a committed and brave heart to finish up until the finish line. A good leader is committed to do everything he can just to achieve the goals he has set for himself. They have the capacity to translate vision into reality. 

 Good leaders see the best in others. They use the full capabilities of their organization. By developing a team spirit, they will be able to employ the organization  to its fullest capabilities. 

 Good leadership involves serving the organization or group and the people within it. The concept of serving is fundamental to the leadership role. This is commonly the mistake of the people today who consider themselves leaders. Because they have authority, they go out their way feeling proud and demand for people to do things for them. Leadership, is a matter of fact an  act of service. To be able to be a blessing to others through your commitment, this is what leadership is all about.

Leadership should not be mistaken for management. Although they go hand in hand, management is mostly about processes; while leadership is mostly about behaviour.

I believe in the saying that leaders are made, not born. It is an art that can be learned in the process of life and although some people can never be as good as another, somewhere deep within us, we are all called to be the greatest leaders of all time. Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned.

“ Talent and skill will bring you to the top, but it’s character that stays you there.”

4 (na) komento:

  1. I agree. Once you've reached the top, you must also work hard to stay there. After all, once you are a public figure there are always those who want to bring you down. As an effective leader, you must always stay strong for your followers.

  2. good point. Leadership indeed is a learning process. It is never easy to become one, it takes full commitment from you to fully serve your people.

  3. Indeed. Truly a leader has a big responsibility to his followers. He has been chosen to set an example to people who are looking up to him, and for people to follow him they should be at their best regarding leadership skills and knowledge.

  4. hi! I already posted the recipe for the special mamon :)
